Last Monday, on an impulse, I went to Youtube, and did a search for the Jonas Bros.
Needless to say, I found plenty of videos, but I clicked on one which said "Poor Unfortunate Souls"(the song which Ursula sang in The Little Mermaid) and I watched it.
Well, it sucked big time. Joe was singing like a stuck pig, and the fact that the video was at a swimming pool did not help things either. The remix of the song itself was sucky through and through. I then knew that everyone in the forums who said that the Jonas Bros couldn't sing weren't joking.
I wonder how they got so far if they sound that bad.
Well, now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Jonas Bros deserve to be picked on.
And Disney too, for going and making DVD releases of classics. Not that putting these movies on DVD in itself was bad, but putting renditions of the songs in the aforementioned movies performed by those fucked-up Disney Channel stars.
I saw a trailer for the Lion King DVD, and they had Hilary Duff and these other two asswipes singing "Circle of Life." Elton John did it just fine, those shitheads made it sound bad.
As for picking on the Jonas Bros and the business empire that made them so big, I'm working on a remake of the Wrath of Iron Ryan.
After going back and watching it, I realized that really, it was quite bad. The artwork of the characters and the story idea were fine, it's just that it was poorly put together. It hurt for me to admit that, for I spent two months working on it. But the guys who pointed the faults out are right. So, in the new release, I'm taking efforts to address the shortcomings of the first edition.
And...I have a nice idea for a Jonas Bros dissing Flash. But it will have to wait until I'm done with the TWOIR remake. My way of doing Flashes is to do one at a time, I'm not too good and multitasking.
I digress.
I wonder what's wrong with people if they can endorse guys like Miley Cyrus and Jonas Brothers who are obviouvly talentless fucks who ought not to have a humming tune of their own, much less an album. It's obivous that these people's brains lack the capacity to function beyond directing them how perform basic tasks.
So that's all for now. If you feel like flaming the guys I just mentioned beyond what the mods in the forums will allow, click here.
link please